Long time ago, there was a king who had a beautiful daughter.
The princess was so beautiful that everyone admired her.
However, there was a big problem for the princess-no matter what she touched would melt, including metal, wood, plastic etc.
Therefore, men were afraid of her and no one wanted to marry her.
The king was desperate.
So he discussed with the magicians, one of the magicians told him
“If the princess touches one thing that would not melt in her hand,
the problem will be cured.”
The king was exalted.

The next day, the king held a competition. The rule was-if the men could get the thing that would not be melted in the princess’s hand, he could marry with her and inherit the riches of the king.
Three young princes joined the competition.

The first one took ferrotitanium which was really hard, but when the princess touched it, it was melted. The prince left sadly.

The second prince brought the biggest diamond in the world; he thought diamond was the hardest thing in the world, it wouldn’t be melted.
However, when the princess touched it, it was also melted. The prince left with sorrow.

The third prince walked to the princess and told her” Please put your hand in my pocket and touch what’s in it.”
The princess put her hand in his pocket and she blushed. She touched something hard but wasn’t melted in her hand!
The king was happy, so did the people. The third prince got married with the princess, leading a happy life forever.

But, what on earth was the third prince put in his pocket?
Of course, it was M&M’s chocolate!!

**Melts in your mouth, not in your hand. **

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